Here are the top 10 reasons to work with a Quality Service Certified agent.
10. Written Guarantee.
I guarantee my services upfront, and in writing. You should not settle for anything less than a real estate professional willing to guarantee his or her services in writing.
9. Trained in Quality Service Delivery
I am among a select group of real estate professionals who have completed training and certification (QSC) related specifically to quality service and customer satisfaction, and who have committed to ongoing service excellence meeting the highest standards i the real estate industry.
8. Value – You Will Get What You Pay for
Unfortunately, with some real estate agents you don’t get what you pay for. My written guarantee and detailed explanation of the process and services I will perform assures you greater value in dealing with me than other real estate agents. You know what you are getting from me.
7. Greater Satisfaction
Clients of real estate agents with the QSC professional credential experience significantly greater satisfaction in their real estate sale or purchase experience – and are 67% less likely to be dissatisfied (according to statistics compiled by Leading Research Corporation).
6. Your Assurance of Quality
After your purchase or sale, you will have the opportunity to fill out a survey on my service that becomes a part of my permanent record for all to see. The entire survey process is administered by an independent research company, and is not conducted by my brokerage.
5. Proof of Past Satisfaction
Log onto and you can check out my customer satisfaction rating, a score compiled from surveys completed by my past customers. What better evidence of my quality could you find than my independently validated record of service to past clients?
4. Putting My Reputation to the Test
I am among the elite 1-2% of real estate professionals who are willing to have their customer satisfaction record publicly available. Most sales agents aren’t willing to subscribe to the high standards set by QSC that I have chosen to follow.
3. Accountability
Everyone will tell you their service is great. How do you know which real estate agents will keep their promises to you? ZSC’s customer satisfaction survey process and public consumer rating motivate me to do what I’ve promised you I would do.
2. Have You ever Had a Bad Real Estate Experience?
Chances are it was because your agent was not putting your needs first. They either didn’t do their job or were more interested in getting their commission than serving your needs. Working with a Quality Service Certified real estate professional is a better way of buying or selling a home.
1. Consumer Focus
The sale or purchase of your home is one of the most important financial and personal decisions you will ever make. Working with a QSC real estate professional who is consistent, reliable, accountable and responsive assures you a better experience.